Physiological Roles of a Substance 334 in Algae

The effects of light intensity, N and P nutrients on the contents of substance 334, some photosynthetic pigments, growth and photorespiration of algae were investigated. Effects of addition of the substance 334 from Porphyra yezoensis Ueda on growth, cyclic and noncyclic photophosphorylations of both Spinacea oleracea Will and Bryopsis maxima Okamura chloroplasts under actinic light irradiation, and those of a mixture of chloroplasts and plastids of P. yezoensis Ueda under monochromatic irradiations of 340 and 610 nm were also studied. Fluorescence energy relay occuring between the substance 334 and chlorophylls by intersystem crossing, its photosynthetic reduction by NADP, effects of its addition on the 14CO2-fixation of the separate whole cells of Galaxaura falcata Kjellman under monochromatic and dichromatic irradiations of 240 and 670 nm were investigated. The results from all these investigations suggested that the substance 334 plays some important roles as a metabolic regulator or a temporal energy transferring substance at some still unknown sites in the photosynthetic pathways of algae, particularly in relation to UV-light absorption.