Isolation and Physico-chemical Properties of a Substance 334 from the Red Alga, Porphyra yezoensis Ueda

A novel UV-absorbing substance 334 was isolated in a crystalline form from a red alga, P. yezoensis Ueda. It was a peptidal compound and contained no aromaticy such as benzene, purine and pyrimidine. Elementary analysis indicated its chemical composition to be 42.98% C, 6.22% H, 7.71% N, 34.09% O and 9.0% Na. Degradative studies indicated its peptidal portion to be glycine and threonine existing in an equimolar ratio amounting to 27% of the compound. Based on IR, high resolution proton NMR, 13C-NMR and mass spectroscopy, its molecular weight was calculated to be 298 with a chemical formula of C11H19O6N2Na. The substance 334 has an excitation and fluorescence action spectra at 368 and 430 nm, respectively. It possesses oxidation and reduction capacities, and the absorption maximum of the oxidized form was found at 334 nm and that of reduced form was at a slightly longer wavelength.