Magnetoelastic coupling and order parameter in the spin-Peierls systemCuGeO3

The anomalous elastic character of the dimerization axis in the spin-Peierls system CuGeO3 is established above and below the transition temperature Tsp by studying, in a magnetic field, the propagation of longitudinal ultrasonic waves along the three crystalline directions. At high temperatures an important anomaly on the elastic constant C33 is identified and discussed in relation with lattice fluctuations recently observed below 100 K in an electron diffraction experiment and attributed to vibrations of CuO2 ribbons along the chain. Stiffening anomalies are observed along the three crystalline directions below Tsp; a softening of the velocity is seen only along the chain axis above the transition. The temperature and magnetic-field dependences of these anomalies are studied with a Landau free-energy model for the magnetoelastic coupling which gives access to the order parameter, the magnetic gap.