The Role of Contrast Angiography in Gastrointestinal Bleeding with the Advent of Technetium Labelled Red Blood Cell Scans

This study suggests that in cases of GI bleeding emergency angiography is likely to be more rewarding when it follows a Tc‐99m RBC scintigram which demonstrates active GI bleeding. The added advantages of angiography include more accurate anatomical localization and the possibility of therapeutic radiological intervention. These advantages should be considered in the individual patient before deciding to proceed directly to surgical intervention based on positive scintigraphy alone.Where the scintigram does not demonstrate active bleeding there is no need to perform emergency angiography, however, elective angiography may demonstrate a possible cause for bleeding.Chronic GI bleeding remains a diagnostic dilemma, however, elective angiography has a small but definite role in the diagnostic workup of these cases because of its ability to demonstrate a possible causative lesion.