Characterization of meiosis-deficient mutants by electron microscopy and mapping of four essential genes in the fission yeast Schizosaccharomyces pombe

Summary Meiosis-deficient mutants of the fission yeast Schizosaccharomyces pombe carrying mei1, mei2, mei3, mei4 and mes1 mutant alleles were characterized by electron microscopy and staining of the nucleus with 4′, 6-diamidino-2-phenylindole. Zygotes of either mei1, mei2 or mei3 mutants contained one round nucleus with a single spindle pole body (SPB). These mutants were arrested before premeiotic DNA synthesis. Zygotes of mei4 mutants had one elongated nucleus containing thick electron-dense filaments (linear elements). In the mes1 mutant, the first meiotic division was completed but the SBPs did not duplicate. Modification of the SPB (outer plaque formation) was also blocked and the forespore membrane was not assembled. By haploidization, random spore and tetrad analyses, four essential genes for meiosis (mei2, mei3, mei4 and mes1) were mapped. Gene mei2 was located on chromosome I 14.2 cm distant from ura2. Gene mei3 was linked to ade7 (45.4 cM) on chromosome II. Gene mei4 was linked to cdc2 (0.6 cM) on chromosome II. Gene mes1 was linked to ura3 (25.3 cM) on chromosome I.