Possibility of Large Final State Interaction Phases in Light ofBKπandππData

The newly observed B¯0K¯0π0 mode is quite sizable while ππ+ is rather small. Data also hint at ππ0ππ+. Though consistent with zero, central values of CP violating asymmetries in Kπ+,0 and K¯0π show an interesting pattern. Taking cue from these, we suggest that, besides γarg(Vub*) being large, the rescattering phase δ in Kπ and ππ modes may be greater than 90°. If this is true, not only the above trends can be accounted for, but one would also find π0π0ππ+,0, and the CP asymmetry in B¯0 vs B0ππ+ could be as large as 60%. These results can be tested in a couple of years.