Characterization and comparison of two newly established epstein-barr virus-negative lymphoma B-cell lines: Surface markers, growth characteristics, cytogenetics, and transplantability

Two Epstein‐Barr virus (EBV)‐negative lymphoma B‐cell lines, HBL‐1 and HBL‐2, were established from a pleural effusion and a lymph node biopsy of two patients with diffuse large cell lymphoma. HBL‐1 and HBL‐2 showed the characteristics of activated B‐cells in B‐cell lineage, as did original lymphoma cells. Chromosome analyses revealed that HBL‐1 exhibiting 14q+ marker‐positive lymphoid cancer showed a new subclass of 14q32 translocation resulting from a translocation between chromosomes 14 and 16, which had been masked in a complex translocation involving five chromosomes, and that HBL‐2 had a 14q+ marker chromosome, the result of an 11;14 translocation [t(11;14)(q13;32)]. Successful heterotransplantation into athymic nude mice demonstrated tumorigenicity of HBL‐1 and HBL‐2. The transplantability and tumor growth rate of HBL‐2 were higher and more rapid than those of HBL‐1. HBL‐1 and HBL‐2 appear useful for facilitating therapeutic investigations as well as immunologic and oncogenic studies in B‐cell lymphomas.