Metalorganic chemical vapor deposition and characterization of the In-As-Sb-Bi material system for infrared detection

We report the first results pertaining to the growth by metalorganic chemical vapor deposition of InSb1−xBix (0.01<x1−xySbyBix with 0.5<yx0.99Bi0.01 epitaxial layers show a room‐temperature mobility of 20 215 cm2/V s with a carrier concentration of NDNA ∼1016 cm3. A degradation in the surface morphology of the InSb1−xBix and InAsSbBi epitaxial films correspond to an increase in the InBi mole fraction was observed. We attribute this deterioration in surface morphology to the formation of polycrystalline phases of Bi and the growth of metallic bismuth‐antimony crystallites.