The use of the STRs HUMTH01, HUMVWA31/A, HUMF13A1, HUMFES/FPS, HUMLPL in forensic application: Validation studies and population data for Galicia (NW Spain)

The 5 tetranucleotide short tandem repeats, HUMTHOI, HUMVWA31/A, HUMF13A1, HUMFES/FPS and HUMLPL were studied using different electrophoretic methods and PCR amplification conditions in order to optimize the typing conditions. A genetic population study in the population of Galicia was carried out and the allele and genotype frequencies are given. Compliance with the Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium was tested using different statistical parameters, with clear advantages resulting in favor of using the exact test (Guo-Thompson method) instead of conventional chi-square methods. Some statistical parameters of forensic interest (PD, CE, h) were also calculated. There were no mutations found in a total of 73 paternal meioses and 101 maternal meioses. Abnormal electrophoretic mobility was found in the AT-rich STR HUMF13AI under non-denaturing conditions and, therefore, the use of denaturing conditions is absolutely necessary. No "stutter" bands were found, although double peaks in the HUMFES/FPS system were observed in some samples. The advantage of using automated sequencers with fluorescent technology is also reported.