Resonant interference effects in the phonon Raman spectra of (311) GaAs/AlAs superlattices

We study the dependence on laser frequency (ωL) of the Raman spectra of GaAs/AlAs superlattices (SL’s) grown along the [311] direction. The observed phonon modes follow the polarization selection rules predicted by the SL crystal symmetry and, at the highest ωL, the intensities predicted by the bulk Raman tensor. For lower ωL we observe a complex variation in the intensities of the confined LO and TO modes which deviates sharply from these predictions. We interpret these deviations as due to interference between a background associated with the E1 and E1+Δ1 gaps and a resonant contribution arising from the hh2→e2 transition of the SL, both induced by the deformation potential interaction. For the latter, the electron-phonon coupling with the hole bands is diagonal, in contrast to the off-diagonal (hh→lh) coupling of conventional (100) SL’s. Evidence for a Fröhlich induced resonance at the E0+Δ0 gap of the SL’s is also obtained.