Analysis of Cognitive Ability for Rural White Culturally Different Children

The study investigated WISC-R subtest pattern scores of 176 rural mountain culturally different white children (111 boys and 65 girls) ranging in age from six years three months to 16 years six months. The variation in subtest scores was analyzed by a 1 × 10 analysis of variance with repeated measures on a single factor. Differences between individual subtest means were analyzed by the Newman-Keuls test for simple effects. The evidence indicates that high subtest scores on Comprehension, Object Assembly, and Picture Completion and low scores on Coding, Information, and Similarities were characteristics of this group. The study did not support a Verbal-Performance discrepancy in favor of the Performance skills for these culturally different white children. The WISC-R was found to provide a valid measure of functional or operational intellectual capacity for this sample.