Limiting dilution analysis of the allo-MHC anti-paternal cytotoxic T cell response I: normal primigravid and multiparous pregnancies

SUMMARY: Anti-paternal cytotoxic T lymphocyte precursor frequencies (CTLpF) were determined by limiting dilution analysis (LDA) in the peripheral blood of eight primigravid and seven multiparous women during the three trimesters of pregnancy. In five of these women the responses to cord blood lymphocytes (CBL) and paternal lymphocytes were also determined at the time of delivery and at 6 weeks post delivery. As controls, CTLpF against unrelated third party donors were determined. A wide range of CTLpF against unrelated third groups of targets was found in both the primigravid and multiparous women, reflecting the wide range of frequencies found in random populations. These frequencies remained fairly constant during and 6 weeks after the pregnancy. Splitwell analysis demonstrated that the responses generated in our culture system were specific to the stimulator. The LDA data conform to single-hit kinetics, indicating that only cytotoxic T cells were limiting in the assay. Proliferative responses of maternal lymphocytes to paternal, cord blood and third party MHC antigens also remained unchanged as determined by time-course mixed lymphocyte reactions (MLR). Our data suggest that there is no significant allo-stimulation or suppression of the maternal immune system during normal pregnancy. The mother remains immunocompetent and is capable of both cytottjxic and proliferalive responses lo paternally-derived fetal MIC antigens. Our findings confirm that in normal pregnancy the trophoblast. which is devoid of classical MHC antigens, forms an effective immune barrier which prevents interaction of the maternal and fetal immune systems.