Ricerche Sulla Rigenerazione in Coltura DiPterocladia Capillacea(Gmel.) Born. Et Thur

Research on the regeneration in «Pterocladia capillacea» (Gmel.) Born, et Thur. cultured «in vitro». – It has been show that small segments (even 0,3 cm. long) of the thallus of «Pterocladia capillacea» undergo the regeneration «in vitro» of adventitious buds. Sea water enriched according to MIQUEL'S formula (1890) was used for the culture. Adventitious buds were present on both the cut-surfaces of the intercalary segments. Both surfaces regenerated, suggesting the absence of clear polarity for regeneration; howewer, usually one cut-surface showed more vigorous adventitious branches than the other one. The possibility that the predominance of one surface could be related to a polarization of the flow of nutrients from the parent segment has been discussed. The thallus originated «in vitro» is very similar to the creeping axes and the formation «in vitro» of thallus similar to that of the erect frond was never observed. 0,1γ/ml. IAA promoted regeneration and stimulated the growth of adventitious buds. IAA stimulated also the growth of the apical portion of the erect fronds. 10−5M 2-chloro-ethyl trimethyl-ammonium chloride (CCC) stimulated regeneration and the growth of the tips of the main axis and lateral branches of apical segments. Higher CCC concentrations (10−3M) inhibit regeneration and at the same time all the tips were necrotized; consequently some outgrowths appeared along the original axes. Such phenomenon was interpreted as a new type of regeneration obtained without any injury. Data reported in this preliminary communication represent a good approach for new study on the biochemical aspects of regeneration.