ElevatedGγ Gene Expression with Specific βsGene Haplotype, Normal γ Gene Maps and Presence of the Xmn I site -158 5′ to theGγ Gene in Indian Sickle Cell Anemia

In nine Indian patients ranging in age between four and 61 years, with mild Hb SS disease and very high Hb F levels, the Gγ globin chain levels of their fetal hemoglobin ranged between 64.0% and 70.0%, with a mean of 68.1% (S.D. ± 2.6) of the total amount of γ-globin chains. Eight of the nine patients were homozygous for a specific βs gene haplotype #31. The other one was doubly heterozygous for the same specific haplotype and another haplotype, which differed from haplotype #31 by the presence of Bam HI site 3' to the β gene and absence of Pvu II site 5' to the ψβ gene. The β gene organization studied by Pst I restriction enzyme analysis was found to be normal and the Xmn I site -158 5' to GYβ gene was present in all patients examined.