Effectiveness of Starch Xanthide Formulations of Chloramben for Weed Control in Pumpkin (Cucurbita moschata)

The persistence and effectiveness in pumpkin [Cucurbita moschata(Puch.) Poir.] weed control of several starch xanthide (SX) and commercial formulations of the ammonium (NH3) salt and methyl (CH3) ester of chloramben (3-amino-2,5-dichlorobenzoic acid) were studied in the laboratory and field. The soluble concentrate (SC) of chloramben NH3salt and the emulsifiable concentrate (EC) of chloramben CH3ester controlled weeds throughout the growing season on a silt loam soil. SC chloramben NH3salt was not effective, and EC chloramben CH3ester was inconsistent in weed control on sandy soil. Manipulation of the SX formulation produced products with slow, uniform release rates. The release rates (crosslinking reagent in parenthesis) rank as follows, from fastest to slowest: SX(Ca2+) CH3ester = SX(H2O2) acid > SX(H2O2) CH3ester > SX(Fe3+) acid > SX(Fe3+) CH3ester. In trials on silt loam and sand, SX formulations did not control weeds better than EC chloramben CH3ester.