Low-noise Josephson parametric amplification and oscillations at 9 GHz

We have investigated the performance of a resistive rf SQUID as a 9 GHz parametric amplifier and oscillator. It was coupled to a low impedance microstrip transformer. Stable Josephson oscillations were obtained for βLQ =2eI0ZL/hf Gdsb =13 dB (dsb=double sideband) and Tdsb =3±4 K over a bandwidth of 310 MHz. For larger values of βLQ , subharmonics 1/2 and 1/3, as well as noninteger ‘‘excitations’’ of the Josephson oscillation, were observed. The subharmonic oscillations were not tunable in frequency with unchanged linewidth. Amplification close to an excitation also produced gain but with ssb noise temperatures of ∼20 K.

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