Enhancement and inhibition of electromagnetic radiation in plane-layered media IIEnhanced fluorescence in optical waveguide sensors
- 1 May 1997
- journal article
- Published by Optica Publishing Group in Journal of the Optical Society of America B
- Vol. 14 (5) , 1160-1166
- https://doi.org/10.1364/josab.14.001160
Optics InfoBase is the Optical Society's online library for flagship journals, partnered and copublished journals, and recent proceedings from OSA conferences.Keywords
This publication has 11 references indexed in Scilit:
- Cavity Quantum ElectrodynamicsPhysics Today, 1989
- Waveguide mode enhancement of molecular fluorescenceOptics Letters, 1985
- Electromagnetic interactions of molecules with metal surfacesPhysics Reports, 1984
- Frequency Shifts of an Electric-Dipole Resonance near a Conducting SurfacePhysical Review Letters, 1984
- Interaction of metal particles with adsorbed dye molecules: absorption and luminescenceOptics Letters, 1980
- Nonradiative decay of excited molecules near a metal surfaceChemical Physics Letters, 1980
- Energy transfer from an excited dye molecule to the surface plasmons of an adjacent metalOptics Letters, 1979
- Frequency shifts of an electric-dipole transition near a partially reflecting surfacePhysical Review A, 1975
- Metal-Clad Optical Waveguides: Analytical and Experimental StudyApplied Optics, 1974