Biochemical confirmation of recombination within the B-G subregion of the chicken major histocompatibility complex

Analysis of the B-G antigens of eight chicken major histocompatibility complex (B) system recombinant haplotypes by high resolution two-dimensional gel electrophoresis has provided evidence for the transfer of the complete B-G subregion in seven cases. In the eighth, a partial duplication within the B-G subregion appears to have occurred. In this recombinant, the entire array of polypeptides associated with one parental allele, B-G 23 is expressed together with nearly the entire array of B-G polypeptides of the other parental haplotype, B 2. This compound polypeptide pattern corroborates the serological evidence for a partial duplication within the B-G subregion and provides indirect evidence for the existence of multiple loci within B-G and for a means by which polymorphism may be introduced into the chicken major histocompatibility complex.