Posterior Canal-Activated Excitatory Vestibuloocular Relay Neurons Participate in the Vestibulocortical Pathways in Cats

We have previously reported that axon collaterals of posterior canal-activated excitatory vestibular (PC) neurons project to the contralateral oculomotor nucleus. and rostrally to the thalamus. To elucidate the vestibulothalamocortical pathways we investigated the synaptic connections of the PC neurons with the thalamic neurons by post-spike averaging of compound potentials triggered by spikes of the PC neuron in anesthetized cats. The averaged field potential evoked in the ventrobasal complex (VBC) revealed a spike followed by a negative wave. Latencies of the wave ranged from 0.8 to 1.5 ms. Next, we examined the location and axonal projection of 36 thalamic neurons which were activated by nose-up head rotation and by contralateral labyrinth stimulation. Most of them were located in the VBC and some in the medial geniculate body. Thirteen of the 36 neurons were antidromically activated from the anterior suprasylvian sulcus or postcruciate dimple of the cortex. These results suggest that the PC neurons participate, at least in part, in the vestibulocortical pathways contributing to spatial orientation.