Visualization of Secale cereale DNA in wheat germ plasm by fluorescent in situ hybridization

Homozygous wheat/rye (1BL/1RS or 1AS/ 1RL) translocation lines have significantly contributed to wheat production, and several other wheat/rye translocation lines show a potential promise against biotic and abiotic stresses. Detecting the presence of rye at the chromosome level is feasible by C-banding and isozyme protocols, but the diagnostic strength of genomic in situ hybridization for eventually analyzing smaller DNA introgressions has greater significance. As a first step we have applied the genomic in situ hybridization technique to detect rye chromosomes in a wheat background using germ plasm of agricultural significance. By this method rye contributions to the translocations 1BL/1RS, 1AL/1RS, 5AS/5RL and 6BS/6RL could be identified. Differential labelling has further enabled the detection of rye and Thinopyrum bessarabicum chromosomes in a trigeneric hybrid of Triticum aestivum/Th. bessarabicum//Secale cereale.

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