The echogenic focus in prostatic sonograms, with xeroradiographic and histopathologic correlation.

The sonograms of 42 patients scanned before and after radical prostatectomy were reviewed, giving specific attention to echogenic foci. All patients had clinical stage A or B adenocarcinoma of the prostate. Comparison of the scans with xeroradiographic and histopathologic studies showed all echogenic foci, with or without acoustic shadowing, to represent prostatic calcifications. Calcifications were located in the central portion of the gland exclusively, either immediately adjacent to the urethra or at the margins of the "internal gland", separate from the peripheral location of small tumors. With carcinomatous spread toward the urethra, calculi were found surrounded by tumor. This was considered a result of secondary involvement rather than dystrophic tumor calcification. Prostatic calcifications seem unrelated to the development of adenocarcinoma but must be recognized to prevent erroneous interpretation.