Analog of theT>giant dipole resonance in light nuclei

Giant resonances were observed in (π+,π) double charge exchange on C13, Al27, and Co59 at excitation energies of 8.8, 14.2, and 27.9 MeV, respectively, where the giant dipoles built on the isobaric analog states are expected to appear. Partial angular distributions were measured for both C13 and Al27 and observed to have a dipole shape. The resonance on the T=1/2 targets has a single isospin value (T=3/2) and is the analog of the T> giant dipole state in the above nuclei. The results are in good agreement with photonuclear reactions and indicate a new general method for an accurate determination of the T>=T+1 giant dipole state in T=1/2 nuclei.