Beagle puppy model of intraventricular hemorrhage

The newborn beagle puppy has been demonstrated to provide a good model for neonatal intraventricular hemorrhage (IVH). A study was designed to determine if indomethacin can prevent IVH and if indomethacin would produce changes in cerebral blood flow (CBF). Newborn beagle puppies were randomized by computer into two groups: one was pretreated with indomethacin, a known inhibitor of prostaglandin synthetase, and the other was saline. The dogs in both groups were then assigned either to undergo hemorrhagic hypotension/volume reexpansion insult or to receive no insult. Twenty percent of all pups receiving indomethacin and undergoing the insult experienced IVH, compared to 71% of the pups undergoing insult that had been pretreated with saline. Significant alterations in the blood pressure responses to the hemorrhagic hypotension/volume reexpansion insult were noted in the former group compared to the saline-pretreated pups subjected to insult. Finally, employing carbon-14 autoradiography for the determination of CBF, it was demonstrated that indomethacin decreases resting CBF of the newborn beagle pups and, in indomethacin-pretreated animals subjected to insult, prevents the increases in CBF seen in the saline-pretreated traumatized pups.