Prognostic factors influencing relapse of squamous cell carcinoma of the maxillary sinus

In 95 surgically staged patients with squamous cell carcinoma of the maxillary sinus, multivariate regression analyses were employed to identify prognostic factors. Possible prognostic factors for local control were TNM stage and type of surgical procedures: T2 or T3 tumors and use of total maxillectomy showed better local control rates (P < 0.01). High radiation doses of 40 Gy or more also seemed to be of prognostic significance: P < 0.2 for 40 to 60 Gy, and P < 0.1 for 60 Gy or more. The risk of cervical relapse increased when the cheek or alveolus was grossly involved (P < 0.2). However, since cervical relapse frequently accompanied uncontrollable primary recurrence or distant spread, and since cervical relapse alone was frequently salvaged by radical neck dissection, prophylactic irradiation to the neck is not recommended. Sex, age, nodal state, addition of chemotherapy, total doses of bleomycin or 5‐fluorouracil (5‐FU), or intra‐arterial administration of chemotherapeutic agents did not appear to be of prognostic significance.