Nuclear spectroscopy with lithium beams. I. High-spin states inFe55,Mn55, andCr53

The Li7 bombardment of V51 has been used in conjuction with recoil distance lifetime (RDM), γγ coincidence, angular distribution, and Doppler shift attenuation lifetime (DSAM) measurements to gain information on the properties of high-spin states in the nuclei Fe55, Mn55, and Cr53. Mean lifetimes (τ) determined by RDM were as follows—in Fe55: 1409-keV level (τ=57.8±3.5 psec), 2813 (14.5±3.1 psec), 5099 (32.3±1.1 psec); in Mn55: 126-keV level (τ=382±16 psec); in Cr53: 2173-keV level (τ=47±15 psec); 3084 (τ=43±15 psec). Tentative spin assignments were made as follows—in Fe55: 5099-keV level J=(192), 6528, J=(212), in Mn55: 3056-keV level J=(152). Lifetimes (or limits) were also established from DSAM measurements for a number of other levels in the above nuclei. The results are compared to shell model calculations.