It is shown that when interactions are not invariant under parity conjugation, both the self-mass term (δmψ¯ψ) and the term (aψ¯γμγ5ψxμ) are induced by the self-interaction of any spin-½ particle with nonvanishing mass. (For simplicity T invariance is assumed.) When a2>1, the spin-½ particle propagates in vacuum faster than the velocity of light. When a2=1, the observed mass should be zero. Therefore, it follows that a2<1 for any spin-½ particle with nonvanishing mass. Since 1>a2>13 implies the existence of ghost states, one must require a2<~13. Although a has no physical meaning for free particles, as an example, it is also shown that it has a physical meaning when a charged particle is interacting with an external electromagnetic field. The value of a is estimated for the electron and the muon.