Diode laser spectroscopy of the ν3 band of carbon tetrachloride (C35Cl4): Stark modulation and cold jet infrared absorption spectrum

The infrared vibration‐rotation spectrum of the ν3 band of C35Cl4 was measured by using a tunable diode laser. Heavily congested Q‐branch spectrum was analyzed on the basis of the Stark effect, which extract transitions of tetrahedral species among various isotopic species. Low‐J lines were measured in a supercooled molecular jet, which supressed hot bands and high‐J rotational lines. The following constants of the ν3 band were determined: ν0=798.7489(4) cm1, B3B0=−0.39(5) MHz, α220=−3.33(6) MHz, and α224=−0.185(9) MHz. The Fermi resonance between the ν3 and ν14 states was analyzed with the aid of an empirical anharmonic force field.