Swine chromosomal DNA quantification by bivariate flow karyotyping and karyotype interpretation

Human and swine chromosomes were analyzed separately and as a mix to obtain bivariate flow karyotypes. They were normalized to each other in order to use the human chromosomal DNA content as standard. Our results led to the characterization of the "DNA line" in swine identical to the human "DNA line." Estimation of the DNA content in mega-base pairs of the swine chromosomes is proposed. Chromosomal assignment to the various resolved peaks on the bivariate swine flow karyotype is suggested from the relation between DNA content quantified by flow cytometry and chromosomal size. Swine chromosomes 1, 13, 6, 5, 10, 16, 11, 18, and Y were assigned to peaks A, B, C, K, L, N, O, Q, and Y, respectively. Peaks D and E were assumed to contain chromosomes 2 and 14, but without specific assignment. Similarly, P and M peaks were expected to correspond to chromosomes 12 and 17. Of the remaining chromosomes (3, 7, X, 8, 15, 9, and 4), chromosomes 3, 7, and X, which were assigned previously to peaks F, G, and H, respectively, led us to deduce that chromosomes 15 and 8 belonged to peaks I and J, and chromosomes 9, 4, and X to peak H.