Characterization of Three New Rhinovirus Serotypes.

Discussion and summary Three new rhinoviruses isolated from young adults have been shown to be serologically distinct from each other and from 33 previously described rhinoviruses, 62 enteroviruses, and reovirus type 1. These new viruses are small RNA viruses (18-23 mμ) that are ether stable and acid labile, thereby fulfilling the criteria necessary for classification as belonging to the rhinovirus subgroup of the picornaviruses(1,2). They are nonpathogenic for mice. Rhinoviruses Baylor 1 and 2 appear to be group “H” rhinoviruses since all strains of these serotypes grow only in tissue culture cells of human origin (A-39 and WI-38) while Baylor 3 seems to be a group “M” rhinovirus since strains of this serotype could be passed in tissue culture cells of monkey kidney. Several passages of Baylor 3 strains in A-39 and WI-38 were necessary, however, before successful passage in monkey kidney could be made. Eight of 9 strains were isolated in A-39 cells, which have proved to be very useful in working with the rhinoviruses. Most previously described rhinoviruses have been found to be stable when heated in the presence of M MgCl2, a property described for the enteroviruses(21). Baylor 2 and 3 serotypes are stabilized by M MgCl2 or MgSO4 but Baylor 1 is only partially stabilized by these salts.