Inner-Shell Ionization Cross Sections of Argon, Krypton, and Xenon by 1.5- to 5.0-MeV Protons

The radiative decay of K-shell vacancies of argon, krypton, and xenon, and L-shell vacancies of krypton and xenon, has been observed with a Si(Li) x-ray detector for thin gas targets of these atoms excited by 1.5- to 5.0-MeV protons. X-ray yields were measured as a function of target thickness under single-collision conditions, and inner-shell ionization cross sections were determined using atomic fluorescence yields. The L-shell ionization cross sections obtained are in good agreement with theoretical calculations in the plane-wave Born approximation. The K-shell cross sections show good agreement with these calculations for the argon K shell, but fall above the theoretical values for krypton and xenon, the discrepancy with theory increasing with increasing atomic number. The binary-encounter model was also compared to the experimental K-shell ionization cross sections, and for all gases the agreement is somewhat worse. KβKα relative intensities for krypton and xenon were determined, and good agreement of these values with the results of experiments using other modes of excitation is shown.