Alpha-particle spectroscopic strengths using the (p,pα) reaction at 101.5 MeV

Proton-alpha particle coincidence spectra from 101.5 MeV (p,pα) reactions on O16, Ne20, Mg24, Si28, S32, Ca40, Ti48, Fe54, and Zn66 have been obtained in a coplanar geometry at quasifree angle pairs for each target. A missing energy resolution of 450 keV was sufficient to separate the lowlying states of the residual nuclides. Data for ground-state transitions, and for eight excited states were obtained and compared with distorted-wave impulse approximation calculations. The targetmass dependence of the resultant relative ground-state spectroscopic factors is reasonably consistent with that obtained from (Li6,d) reactions. The corresponding absolute spectroscopic factors are larger than shell-model predictions, but sensitive to the bound-state parametrization. However, the spectral shapes do constrain the range of possible bound-state rms radii. The fits to the excited states are less satisfactory.