Wheat Gluten Used as a Clarifying Agent of Red Wines
- 4 December 2001
- journal article
- research article
- Published by American Chemical Society (ACS) in Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry
- Vol. 50 (1) , 177-184
- https://doi.org/10.1021/jf0105539
Bovine spongiform encephalopathy caused a situation of crisis leading the public and winemakers to lose their confidence in the use of gelatin as a fining agent and to reject animal proteins in general. Therefore, we started the search for a substitute for gelatin and egg protein by comparing gluten with these fining treatments currently used. This study concerned the fining of a Burgundy red wine (Rully, Controlled Appellation). For 6 g/hL, enzymatically hydrolyzed glutens (EHG) gave better efficiencies than deamidated glutens. The efficiency of the egg proteins treatment was situated between those of the hydrolyzed glutens and deamidated glutens. For 12 and 18 g/hL, turbidities of the wine treated by five glutens were 67 to 86% less than that of the control wine. Better results were obtained with egg proteins for short kinetics particularly. Wine fining with gluten was always better than gelatin treatments. The differences between the five glutens became very small when the dose incorporated in the wine increased. The volumes of lees generated by fining with gluten are situated between the values obtained with egg proteins and gelatin. After fining, immunodetection with gluten polyclonal antibodies failed to detect residual deamidated gluten. Keywords: Fining; clarifying; gluten; gelatin; egg albumin; Burgundy; red wineKeywords
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