Transport properties of lightly dopedCoSb3single crystals

CoSb3 single crystals with low hole concentration (down to 1017cm3) at 300 K and 2.6×1016cm3 at 90 K) and the highest observed value of the room-temperature hole mobility (the value is up to 6000 cm2/Vs, i.e., up to about 1.8 times higher than maximum values previously reported) were grown. The observed temperature dependence of the Hall coefficient is explained assuming the existence of an acceptor impurity band and an additional deep acceptor level. The values of the activation energies of the shallow and deep acceptors, their concentrations, as well as the concentration of the compensating donors were calculated. It is shown that the scattering due to polar optical phonons and nonpolar optical phonons is most important in the high-temperature region. The value of the valence-band deformation potential is estimated.