An expert system for the structural characterization of kaolinites

Until recently, the determination of the defect structures (previously referred to incorrectly as “crystallinity”) of kaolinites has been obtained in one of two ways: (1) measurement of the Hinckley index, or (2) by comparing calculated X-ray diffraction patterns based on a model of the defect structure (including types of defects and abundances) with experimental diffraction profiles. The Hinckley method is simple and easy to perform but contains no real information about the defect structure. Calculated XRD patterns are based on real defects but these calculations are time consuming and require some skill in application. Another approach is proposed: an expert system which will accurately describe the defect structure of kaolinites based on a few measurements taken from a normal powder diffraction profile. This system has been verified for nine kaolinite samples for which the defect structure was previously determined by comparison of calculated and observed diffraction profiles. The expert system reproduced the correct defect structure for each of the samples.

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