We have examined the effect of genetically engineered charge modifications on the partitioning behavior of proteins in dextran/polyethylene glycol two-phase systems containing potassium phosphate. By genetically altering a protein's charge, the role of charge on partitioning can be assessed directly without the need to modify the phase system. The charge modifications used are of two types: Charged tails of polyaspartic acid fused to β-galactosidase and charge-change point mutations of T4 lysozyme which replace positive lysine residues with negative glutamic acids. The partition coefficient Kp for these proteins was related to measured interfacial potential differences Δϕ using the simple thermodynamic model, In Kp = In Ko + (F/RT)Zp δϕ. The protein net charge Zp was determined using the Henderson–Hasselbalch relationship with modifications based on experimentally determined titration and isoelectric point data. It was found that when the electropartitioning term Zp δϕ was varied by changing the pH, the partitioning of T4 lysozyme was quantitatively described by the thermodynamic model. The β-galactosidase fusions displayed qualitative agreement, and although less than predicted, the partitioning increased more than two orders of magnitude for the pH range examined. Changes in the partitioning of lysozyme due to the various mutations agreed qualitatively with the thermodynamic model, but with a smaller than expected dependence on the estimated charge differences. The β-galactosidase fusions, on the other hand, did not display a consistent charge based trend, which is likely due either to the enzyme's large size and complexity or to nonelectrostatic contributions from the tails. The lack of quantitative fit with the model described above suggests that the assumptions made in developing this model are oversimplified. © 1994 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.