Observations on the Reproducibility of the Bromelised Test Cell Anti‐D Assay Using the Auto‐Analyser1

With the bromelised test cell technique, as commonly used, that is the auto‐analyser manifold subject to ambient temperature with the exception of the incubation coils at 37 °C, an anomalous inherent variability has been observed in the anti‐D assay of a certain proportion of antisera; these show a significant difference in the estimates of anti‐D concentration obtained using the added bromelin and bromelised test cell techniques. The inherent error of assay exhibited by such antisera is partially dependent on the test cell and can be significantly improved by the use of a bromelised pool of test cells. Such a technique results in an overall reproducibility with these antisera of ±20% which should be regarded as the reproducibility for the technique as a whole, although with a proportion of anti‐D antisera the estimates of antibody concentration will be obtained with greater precision.