Magnetic resonance imaging of gastric cancer in Tff1 knock‐out mice

In this work, the use of MRI to stage gastric neoplasia in a mouse model of spontaneous gastric cancer is demonstrated. The methodology involves 1) the use of deuterated water (2H2O) to distend the stomach, and to provide negative contrast between the stomach and the lumen without inducing susceptibility-based field shifts; 2) GlucaGen® to minimize motion artifacts that arise from peristalsis; and 3) Gd-DTPA to enhance contrast between the dysplasia/tumor and the normal wall. Initial images are presented from a Tff1 −/− homozygous knock-out model of gastric cancer and a heterozygous C57BL6/J control mouse. There are clear differences between the two types of animals in the MR appearance of the stomach. The distended stomach of the control mouse has a smooth perimeter and a thin wall, and an absence of nodules. The stomach of the Tff1 −/− mouse demonstrates a thickened wall; a jagged, irregular surface; and protruding nodules that are bright after injection of Gd-DTPA. Magn Reson Med 49:1033–1036, 2003.