Changes Produced by Starvation in the Vitamin Content of Rat Tissues

1. The vitamin Bc pantothenic acid! biotin, riboflavin. pyridosine, and nicotinic acid contents of the livers. kitlneys, and bone marrow have been determined in rats: (a) fed ad libitium; (b) treated TI-ith mustard gas: and (c) whose food intake was restricted. 2. When expressed on the lmis of unit weight of tissue, increase.; of 50 to 180% were noted in the vitamin concentrations of livers from the food-restricted group. Less marked increases occurred in the kidney. while a decrease of 35%; in the vitamin nBc,: content of the bone marrow based on nitrogen content way observed. 3. With the exception of the vitamin Bc, content of the bone marrow. the changes observed in the partially-starved Kroup were also found in the mustard group. 4 Calculations based upon the vitamin content of the liver per 100 g of body weight indicate that both starvation and treatment wth mustard gas cause increases ranging from 1: to 130% in the vitamin Bc, pantothenic acid, biotin, and pyridoxine contents of the liver. No significant changes occur in the riboflavin or nicotinicacid contents.

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