The effect of heat on amino acids for growing pigs

Experiments were conducted to determine the effect of heating field peas (Pisum sativum) on the N balance and urine, serum and plasma composition of growing pigs. In the first experiment, four diets containing raw field peas (cv. Wirrega) or field peas heated to 150 (cv. Wirrega) or 15015 g ileal digestible N/MJ digestible energy (DE) and 036 g ileal digestible lysine/MJ DE in a sugar-based diet. Digestibility estimates were based on those for the Dundale cultivar of field peas used in previous experiments. Total urine and faeces collection from eight pigs was conducted over two 7 d collection periods with a 7 d diet change-over period. Serial blood sampling from the external jugular vein was conducted on the final day of each collection period. There was no significant difference (P > 0 (cv. Wirrega) or 16501) daily output of urea and uric acid in the urine, and depressed serum protein and serum urea concentrations. Plasma lysine concentration and daily urine lysine output were not significantly different (P > 0 increased 344) and lysine digestibility (0 were significantly lower than the cv. Dundale estimates (062 respectively) used in diet formulations. The depressed serum and urine variables in pigs fed on heated peas were attributed to overestimation of digestibility. The results exemplify the fact that it is not possible to draw general conclusions as to the effects of heat on any particular protein concentrate. Variability in N balance experiments and problems associated with urine analysis are suggested as likely reasons for the current study not reflecting poor utilization of ileal digestible lysine from heat-treated field peas. Despite considerable variation in the results, it is possible that a large proportion of non-utilizable amino acids in heated field peas may be excreted from the pig via the urine in the form of a protein.