An enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay for the detection of immunoglobulin M (IgM) antibodies to hepatitis A virus is described. The test uses the principle of binding of IgM antibodies to anti-IgM-coated microtiter plates to determine whether the IgM antibodies attached have specificities for hepatitis A virus. In three patients with hepatitis type A followed up to 12 months, IgM antibodies to hepatitis A virus could be demonstrated from the onset of illness and during the following 2 to 3 months. When acute-phase sera from 48 patients with acute hepatitis were tested, IgM antibodies to hepatitis A virus could only be demonstrated in 18 patients previously classified as type A, whereas 30 patients with type B and non-A non-B hepatitis were negative. IgM antibodies to hepatitis A virus could not be demonstrated in 108 normal sera nor in 55 sera containing rheumatoid factor. These results indicate that the enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay for IgM antibodies to hepatitis A virus is useful in the serodiagnosis of acute hepatitis type A on a single serum sample taken during the acute phase of illness.