Angle-resolved photoemission studies of the valence-band structure of stepped crystal surfaces: Cu(S)-[3(111)×(100)]

Angle-resolved photoemission spectra are reported for the stepped Cu(211) face in the photon-energy range 9≤hν≤34 eV. The valence-band (VB) spectra are interpreted in terms of a direct-transition model for bulk photoemission. Determination of VB dispersion relations and assignment of the bands are aided by use of selection rules involving the transmitted-radiation vector potential and several different experimental geometries. The major results are (1) it is possible to determine experimental VB dispersion relations for a lower-symmetry direction such as Cu[211], and (2) VB dispersion relations for stepped Cu(211) show excellent agreement with bulk valence bands interpolated along the [211] direction, uninterrupted by band-gap photoemission, the effects of which are not observed. It is concluded that the unusual structure of the stepped surface does not significantly perturb the bulk electronic structure near the surface in this case.