Wood structure of Hedycarya arborea J. R. et G. Forst. (Monimiaceae) and Laurelia novae-zelandiae A. Cunn. (Atherospennataceae) is described. The woods are diffuse-porous with indistinct to distinct growth rings. the vessels have scalariform perforation plates with IS-80 bars. Vessel thickening associated with rays is present in L. novae-zelandiae. Intervascular pits in both species are scalarifonn to opposite. Vessel pits to rays are simple to slightly bordered. and are gash-like to round. Axial parenchyma is sparse to very sparse with mainly scanty paratracheal type. Rays arc heterogeneous. mostly types II and III. and 1-12 cells wide. Fibres and fibre-tracheids are septate. The main anatomical features which separate the Ncw Zealand species of these genera arc that H. arborea has fewer vessels. more numerous sheath cells, and fewer and larger rays, which contain small crystals. Some comparative observations arc also made on two Chilean species, L. philippiana Looser and L. sempervirens (Ruiz et Pav.) Tul.

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