The Kinetics of in Vivo State Transitions in Mesophyll and Guard Cell Chloroplasts Monitored by 77 K Fluorescence Emission Spectra

Fluorescence emission spectral peaks at 685, 695 and 730 nanometers (F685, F695, and F730) were recorded 77 K from diluted leaf tissue and epidermal powders prepared from Saxifraga cernua. The time course for state 1 to state 2 transitions was monitored as changes in the ratios of the three emission peaks. During illumination with light 2 (580 nm) the F730/F695 and F730/F685 ratios increased within minutes to establish a condition characteristic of state 2. A major difference between the two chloroplast types was the more rapid establishment of state 2 by mesophyll chloroplasts. An average in light 2 intensity caused an increase in the magnitude of the F730/F695 ratio for both chloroplast types and, for guard cell chloroplasts, a decrease in the time required to establish the new ratio. The role of reversible phosphorylation of the light-harvesting chlorophyll a/b protein complex in regulating state transitions for both mesophyll and guard cell chloroplasts was assessed using DCMU and sodium fluoride, a specific phosphatase inhibitor. DCMU-treated mesophyll and epidermal tissues failed to show a state 1-state 2 transition. NaF-treated tissues attained state 2 but lacked the ability to revert back to state 1.