Neutron scattering study of the vibrational density of states in icosahedral and crystallineAl0.80Mn0.20

We present an inelastic neutron scattering study of the vibrational density of states, g¯(E), for the icosahedral and crystalline phases of Al0.80 Mn0.20. At low energy transfers we find nearly identical g¯(E)E2 dependences indicating that the two materials are elastically similar. In the intermediate energy range, 20-35 meV, the crystalline g¯(E) shows weak structure while that of the icosahedral phase remains smooth. Above 40 meV there is an excess of the icosahedral g¯(E) compared with that of the crystalline material. These results provide a direct test for models of the interatomic forces and dynamics of the icosahedral phase.