Rapid Colored-Nodule Assay for Assessing Root Exudate-Enhanced Competitiveness of Bradyrhizobium japonicum

The effects of root exudate (RE) treatment on nodule occupancy by Bradyrhizobium japonicum were investigated by a rapid colored-nodule assay, which is based on the observation that B. japonicum L-110 and its antibiotically marked derivatives form dark-red nodules on certain soybean ( Glycine max ) cultivars, whereas other strains form beige nodules. The efficacy of the assay was confirmed by direct immunofluorescence and by antibiotic platings of nodule bacteria. Both logarithmic- and stationary-phase cultures of the reference strain, L-110Nal, were used in paired-competition studies with RE-treated or untreated cells of seven challenge strains. On the basis of field and greenhouse competition studies, these strains were placed into three competitiveness groups: high (AN-11, AN-16aStrRif, and AN-6), intermediate (AN-3 and 122SR), and low (I-110ARS and AN-18). Seedlings of G. max cv. Centennial were inoculated with two ratios of challenge to reference strain, 1:1 and 1:9, and nodule occupancy was determined after the V4 to V5 stage of ontogeny. Two of the strains showed increased occupancy in response to RE treatment at the 1:1 inoculation ratio. Logarithmic- and stationary-phase cultures of AN-6 showed increased occupancy, from 22 to 38% ( P < 0.10) and from 23 59 39% ( P < 0.05), respectively. While the maximum increase for stationary-phase cultures of AN-16aStrRif was from 34 to 47% ( P < 0.05), logarithmic-phase cultures failed to respond to RE treatment. The results of these studies indicate that RE treatment increases the nodule occupancy of some, but not all, B. japonicum strains and that the colored-nodule assay could be rapidly and reliably used to determine the competitive ability of B. japonicum.