Synthesis and radiation degradation of vinyl polymers with fluorine: Search for improved lithographic resists

Homopolymers of methyl α‐fluoroacrylate (MFA), trifluoroethyl methacrylate (TFEM), and hexafluoroisopropyl methacrylate (HFIM) were prepared, as were their methyl methacrylate (MMA) copolymers. Copolymers of vinylidene fluoride (VDF) and chlorotrifluoroethylene (CTFE) with MMA were also prepared. The radiation susceptibilities of these polymers were measured by the60Co γ‐irradiation method, in which molecular weights were measured by membrane osmometry and gel permeation chromatography (GPC). All the copolymers degraded by predominant chain scission except poly(methyl α‐fluoroacrylate), (PMFA), which crosslinks even at low doses (ca. 1 Mrad). TheGsGxandGsvalues of the chain scissioning polymers and copolymers are higher than those of poly(methyl methacrylate) PMMA reference. The high susceptibility of PMFA homopolymer to crosslinking is in contrast to that of poly(methyl α‐chloroacrylate), as we reported earlier. This effect is interpreted as resulting from extensive hydrogen fluoride and polyenlyl radical formation, which leads to facile crosslinking. However, incorporation of the MFA monomer unit causes the (22/78) MFA/MMA copolymer to degrade with a larger value ofGsthat PMMA. Apparently a second‐order process leads to crosslinking in PMFA and this is retarded in the copolymer. In the hehomopolymers of HFIM and TFEM and in the HFIM‐MMA and TFEM‐MMA copolymers the HFIM and TFEM components facilitate degradation with negligible crosslinking. The increased degradation susceptibility of VDF and CTFE copolymers with MMA over that of PMMA is attributed to processes at the VDF or CTFE components present in smaller concentrations (3‐5 mole %) than the threshold levels (25‐50% necessary for significant crosslinking).