Analytical theory of the destruction terms in dissipation rate transport equations

Modeled dissipation rate transport equations are often derived by invoking various hypotheses to close correlations in the corresponding exact equations. D. C. Leslie [Modern Developments in the Theory of Turbulence (Oxford University, Oxford, 1972)] suggested that these models might be derived instead from Kraichnan’s [J. Fluid Mech. 47 (1971)] wavenumber space integrals for inertial range transport power. This suggestion is applied to the destruction terms in the dissipation rate equations for incompressible turbulence, buoyant turbulence, rotating incompressible turbulence, and rotating buoyant turbulence. Model constants like Cε2 are expressed as integrals; convergence of these integrals implies the absence of Reynolds number dependence in the corresponding destruction term. The dependence of Cε2 on rotation rate emerges naturally; sensitization of the modeled dissipation rate equation to rotation is not required. A buoyancy related effect which is absent in the exact transport equation for temperature variance dissipation, but which sometimes improves computational predictions, also arises naturally. The time scale in the modeled transport equation depends on whether Bolgiano or Kolmogorov inertial range scaling applies. A simple extension of these methods leads to a preliminary dissipation rate equation for rotating buoyant turbulence.