Effects of Anti-ε on Total and Specific IgE Levels in Adult Mice

Adult (2- to 3-month-old) female CBA/J mice were injected intraperitoneally with heavy chain specific rabbit anti-IgE (anti-ε) to determine its effects on total and specific serum IgE. Animals receiving 10 × 250 μg injections over a 50-day period displayed significantly increased (10 × levels of serum IgE compared to rabbit gamma-globulin or untreated controls. If animals were immunized with castor allergen (CA) prior to anti-ε treatments their IgE anti-CA titers were significantly suppressed, although their total IgE levels were not significantly different compared to controls. In a second series of experiments, mice which received increased quantities (3 × more) of anti-ε had no detectable serum IgE (within 30 days post anti-ε treatment), significantly decreased titers of IgE antibody, and reduced numbers of IgE bearing spleen and mesenteric lymph node cells. These studies indicate that anti-ε injections in adult mice can significantly alter total and specific IgE levels.