Hadamard Transform Ion Mobility Spectrometry

Traditionally, the spectrum acquired using ion mobility spectrometry (IMS) is an average of multiple experimental cycles. Each cycle is initiated by passing a short burst of ions into a drift tube containing a homogeneous electric field. Prior to starting the subsequent cycle, all ions in the system must arrive at the detector or spectral overlap may occur. To maximize resolution, the ion pulse admitted to the drift tube is small in relation to the total scan time with the unfortunate consequence of an inherently low duty cycle (∼1%). Offering an improved SNR through a 50% duty cycle, the Hadamard transform (HT) applied to ion mobility spectrometry represents a fresh alternative to signal-averaged data acquisition. Initial results from measurements of amphetamine and cytochrome c samples indicate a 2−10-fold increase in SNR for the HT-IMS technique with no reduction in resolution.