Isolation and Sequence of a cDNA Clone for Human Calcineurin B, the Ca2+-Binding Subunit of the Ca2+/Calmodulin-Stimulated Protein Phosphatase

We have identified and cloned human cDNA for the Ca2+-binding subunit of calcineurin, the brain isozyme of the Ca2+/calmodulin-stimulated protein phosphatase. The 2.5-kb cDNA has an open reading frame of 510 bp, a leader sequence of at least 500 bp, and a 1,277-bp 3′-noncoding sequence. The deduced sequence of the human protein differs from bovine brain calcineurin B by an additional valine at the carboxyl terminus and substitution of Met-11 and Ser-153 by cysteine. A partial clone of the mouse protein corresponding to amino acids 75–150 was also isolated. This portion of the human and mouse protein sequence is identical, with the DNA sequences showing 94% identity. The respective mRNAs in human and mouse are also of similar size. As was observed with protein levels, mRNA abundance in brain is 20–60 times that found in other tissues with the exception of HeLa cells which, like brain, contain abundant calcineurin B mRNA.